Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Can you or someone you know reverse diabetes in 30 days?

Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days

Diabetes is a real scourge around the world, no matter whether one is under a western or Asian diet or eating process food or food that is stir-fried from the wok at high temperature.

And yet, this disease is so 'stealthy' that symptoms such as:

* increased thirst
* increased hunger
* fatigue
* increased urination, especially at night
* weight loss
* blurred vision
* sores that do not heal

can be misconstrued and so sufferers, both fat and thin, young and old, would not suspect they have developed diabetes or even deny the fact until it is too late.

The larger malaise is simply this: maintaining health as a personal asset is not a highly valued endeavor.

Health tends to be the big elephant in the room that people ignore in their lives until it's too late.

People tend to think, "It's too difficult to be healthy" or "I'm too busy to worry about it."

Well, for a start you don't have to get physical if you can't set aside the time for a regimental workout. But if you eat 3 (maybe more than 3...) meals a day, here is where you can change the food that you regularly put into your stomach.

Simply exercise the power of a healthy choice, tweak what you eat and finally win the battle of reversing diabetes in 30 days.

P.S. Look out for a 15-step diet tip by Susan from Australia. That is absolutely priceless!